Friday, April 19, 2013

My defining moment....

I was sitting in church when my Pastor said,If you have the power to do good, then do it" It doesn't have to be something big, it doesn't have to be anything spectacular, just do something good. My niece Nay was sitting next to me and while I try to do something good all the time, periodically, I wondered what would happen if I did 365 days of good intentionally and challenged someone to join me. Needless to say, I reached down for my purse and I took out the money I had. My niece looked at me with her smile and whispered, do you wanna hear something funny I said yes. She said, before church started my brothers asked me to buy them a snicker and I didn't really to do it but I did it. She said that she when she sat down my husband gave her $20.00 and then I just gave her $40.00. This made me realize that no matter what act you do, large or small, it always comes back to you. I can't tell you how my mid started racing at church with what I could do to use my voice to help someone else.

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