Sunday, April 21, 2013

The Waitress bought my breakfast

Today was a reminder to me what happens when you give back. I was having breakfast and reflecting on an incredible week of giving on purpose and as I got ready to pay for my breakfast the WAITRESS said to me "Honey keep your credit card, God told me to pay for your meal!" I sat there in complete shock and with eyes full of tears and gratitude. I knew that God loved me and he always took care of me but this took the cake. He loved me enough to provide a meal for me. I almost went to Whataburger because I didn't want to spend alot of money but I changed my mind and went to Bread Winners because I wanted a healthy meal and because a still small voice told me to go. Well, my blessing was there. I can't describe how I felt when I walked out of those doors. The WAITRESS PAID FOR MY BREAKFAST that's all I kept saying to myself and God told her to do it. Has anything like that ever happened to YOU? Tell me about it, or better yet, let's do it for someone today.

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APRIL Giving Back